Newski / Kovalski: I love lyrical music
“I actually love lyrical music”, - Aleksandr Lukashenko said ...

Shabohin / Ogiermann: Crisis as a Chance (Fire)
(...) Date and time of the terrorist attack in the Minsk metro (...)
Weiterlesen … Shabohin / Ogiermann: Crisis as a Chance (Fire)

Shabohin / Ogiermann: Superideology
(...) Blue Eye (Gas disc). Tool of Ideology (Empty Flagpole). The grate on the window in the form of the sun. (...)

Horoneko / Davis: Protest Grigory Horoneko and Gareth Final
(...) On August 10th a man was killed (...)
Weiterlesen … Horoneko / Davis: Protest Grigory Horoneko and Gareth Final

Newski / Kowalski / Tselebrovsk: Ars Longa Vita Brevis
Gleb Kowalski, the Belarusian artist and activist, declares Lukashenka's Belarus to be a total installation (...)
Weiterlesen … Newski / Kowalski / Tselebrovsk: Ars Longa Vita Brevis

Palianina / Bianchi: SHE DOESN'T LOVE ME, MOM
(...) we sought police troops' image in full riot gear and balaclavas, representing the omnipresent violent threat in Belarus and comparable conflicts (...)

Sayapina / Davis: Belarusian diary
(...) The traumatic experience of fear, being in jail, psychological and physical violence, a feeling of insecurity or terror (...)

Gladko / Pony says: The Sun Through Trees
(...) The 2020 revolution in Belarus is characterized by modern communication technologies, a large number of video and photo evidence of the lawless actions of the authorities (...)

Gladko / Davis: The Sun Through Trees
(...) a reference to the events taking place in Belarus, mass protests and detentions (...)

Sayapina / Kapitonova / Davis: 'EVE’ MEANS ‘TO LIVE’
(...) about 150 works of art, including the first original works by internationally renowned Belarusian artists in Belarus, was tied to a criminal case and confiscated (...)
Weiterlesen … Sayapina / Kapitonova / Davis: 'EVE’ MEANS ‘TO LIVE’

Gladko / Davis: One The Other Side - Force, Farce, False
(...) Memories have many layers and memories feed new directions (...)
Weiterlesen … Gladko / Davis: One The Other Side - Force, Farce, False

Gladko / Mihaly: The Return of Lilith
(...) The Winter Solstice was celebrated in many cultures as the birthday of the sun (...)

Gladko / Ogiermann: On The Other Side. Father's Letter
(...) Fear, intimidation, surveillance, pursuit (...)
Weiterlesen … Gladko / Ogiermann: On The Other Side. Father's Letter

Shugaleev / Kononchenko / Marcoll: The body you are calling...
Exaggerated pompous heroism in the instrumentation (...)
Weiterlesen … Shugaleev / Kononchenko / Marcoll: The body you are calling...

Pcholka&Hramovich / Davis: scratches
video: Lesia Pcholka and Uladzimir Hramovich
music: Gareth Davis
video effects: Karel Doing

Pcholka&Hramovich / Davis: 1990
we walked through the old village and at a crossroads near overgrown roads we saw a monument (...)

Thomas / Naprushkina: I want a president
I want a president who is a housewife, a cleaner, a teacher, a nurse, a midwife. (...)

Naprushkina / Glojnarić: Ich will eine Präsidentin
Marina Naprushkina writes a tribute to the musician Maryja Kalesnikawa. (...)
Weiterlesen … Naprushkina / Glojnarić: Ich will eine Präsidentin

Gulin / Seidl: The artist barks...
(...) "The dog barks, the caravan goes on". People say it to express the willingness to continue the work despite angry (...)

Davis / Horoneko: Pagonya - 23:34
As soon as in my anxious heart I hear Fear for my native country (...)

Zhynhiarouskaya / Yassin: The dress and the hole
(...) I wore this dress on 12.08.2020 with other 200 women in white, (...)
Weiterlesen … Zhynhiarouskaya / Yassin: The dress and the hole

Shugaleev / Kononchenko / Filonenko: The body you are calling...
+375: phone country code for Belarus (...)
Weiterlesen … Shugaleev / Kononchenko / Filonenko: The body you are calling...

Davis / Horoneko: Magutny Bozha
Magutny Bozha (O God Almighty) has become the unofficial anthem of protest (...)

Gladko / Pony says: On The Other Side
Video footage of the artist filming through the glass in the door of her children's room (...)

Zhynhiarouskaya / Cheng: forest echoes
How to be together without losing yourself? Do I need to shout louder to be heard?

Pcholka&Hramovich / Bauckholt: scratches
"I met the great personality Maria Kalesnikava in Stuttgart (...) "

Pushkin / Davis (5): I believe
These words, the speech the pulse of the crowd. I felt a mantra of sorts, a calling for a new day. (...)

Pushkin / Davis (4): spring will come – stones will bloom! ...
April is the cruellest month (...)
Weiterlesen … Pushkin / Davis (4): spring will come – stones will bloom! ...

Pushkin / Davis (2): don’t forget! don’t forgive! ...
On the evening of 11 November, masked people arrived (...)
Weiterlesen … Pushkin / Davis (2): don’t forget! don’t forgive! ...

Pushkin / Davis (1): we are waiting for spring
Each moment of each day we are saturated with information. News. News about news. (...)
Weiterlesen … Pushkin / Davis (1): we are waiting for spring