Zhynhiarouskaya / Cheng: forest echoes
forest echoes - I wake up and feel the fall of darkness
How to be together without losing yourself? Do I need to shout louder to be heard? In the frozen pine trunk, I hear the beginning of a new spring. Every creature in the world needs time, rest, sleep, it cannot always be in the process of growing. Which of these trees is mine? What kind of tree am I? What kind of forest are we? During these hard and uncertain times in my homeland, for the first time in my life I have a great need to spend time in a forest, to create in it, sing in this natural acoustics, find a natural sound. Land, soil, roots, horizontal connections, rhizome, mycelium - its a very organic thing and somehow its start to work in our civil society. I chose this beautiful harvest song "Lito" from Palesie region: "Oh summer, summer, you are gone and now the hay is ripe"
Performance: Katya Zhynhiarouskaya
Music: Huihui Cheng