Shabohin / Ogiermann: Crisis as a Chance (Fire)
Crisis as a Chance (Fire)
SHABOHIN: part 17 keywords
State, Ideology: Crisis
Organism: Crisis, Illness, Old Age
City: Decay
Process: Withering
Selected items: Workaday Arson (Burning toilet paper). Subway explosion trail. Wrecked car. Door lock. Broken needle. Lighter. Broken bottle. Fire extinguisher. Date and time of the terrorist attack in the Minsk metro
The slogan on the flag: We Still Trample Traumas and Fears in the Gaps of Desperation
Ulysses (chapter number): 2
Mythology: Nestor
Document / note: Trampling the subway + major date 11.04.2011 17:55
Symbol: Horizontal crossed mandorla
OGIERMANN: about the musical work on: Practice of Subordination
From the email conversation with Sergey Shabohin:
Dear Sergey,
No. 17 is using parts of the recording from the videos about the bombing in the Minsk-subway You did between feedback sounds (there is NO voice in it, nevertheless one could think it) and (introduced with harsh cuts) a groaning man from Pudowkins DESERTER (one of my most favorite films concerning sound and picture), You can hear it also at the end
Artist: Sergey Shabohin (Belarus/Poland)
Composer: Christoph Ogiermann (Germany)